workawatereiabc2.pngSince 2012, the office of Architecture and Vision (Bomarzo, Italy) and EiABC with the support of the Italian embassy and the Italian cultural institute have been developing a research cooperation, These last months, concrete evidence of the work done led to a workshop, part of the curriculum, on Warka Water, harvesting water from the air (rain, fog and dew) to produce potable water for scattered rural community of Ethiopia where water is less accessible.

After 3 years of research and development, teamwork and commitment, the construction ofWarka Water3.2 unveiled on March 23rd at 5.30 pm following heavy rains in the campus of EiABC, Addis Ababa.

The tower was assembled by the team of students from EiABC who helped construct it, starting from row bamboo canes to the full tower.

The event started with the unveiling ceremony at the football field where the tower has been assembled followed by Director and founder of Architecture and Vision Arturo giving a brief keynote presentation explaining Warkato the guests unveiling them to the next phases of the project and was finalized with signing a partnership between EiABC and Architecture and Vision (AV) regarding joint educational trainings and internships for students in Bachelor in Architecture.

More information about Warka Water:…/366225655/warka-water-32

waterwarka3The event was attended by different NGO’s and representatives from several embassies, and was covered by the Ethiopian Broadcasting Service and the Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation along with Managing DirectorBéatrice Delpouve, Scientific Director Joachim Dieterand Director and founder of Architecture and Vision Arturo Vittori. 

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