Students hostel

The Winning Student Team from EiABC: Akrem Abdurahim, Emaelaf Tebikew, and Henok Yared

“Hostels for Hope” is an international design competition organized by Pink Ribbon Red Ribbon®, a global partnership fighting women’s cancers. Akrem Ezedin, Henok Yared, and Emaelaf Tebikew from EiABC, who put forward their design for “home-away-from-home” for women with cancer in Tanzania won the first prize in the student category. This is the second time EiABC students won a first prize in an international design competition. Already in 2014 Aknaw Yohannes and Dagmawi Tilahun won the first price for their "Market in urban area in Africa” design for ARCHIGINEER AFRICA.

Pink Ribbon Red Ribbon®, along with the American Cancer Society, the George W. Bush Institute, HKS, Inc., Southern Methodist University (SMU), and T-MARC Tanzania, organized “Hostels for Hope”, an international architecture and design competition to find new ways of constructing “home-away-from-home” communities for women undergoing cancer treatment in Tanzania. With only two centers in the whole country to treat them, women must either travel great distances and pay for lodging or, as many do, simply stay home and wait to die. The competition inspired both student and professional architects to use their ingenuity and creativity to design affordable, sustainable lodgings near the two health centers in Tanzania.

A team of students from EiABC created the winning design for a hostel at a second cancer hospital, Bugando Medical Centre (BMC) in Mwanza, the nation’s second-largest city, on the shores of Lake Victoria. The students are Akrem Abdurahim, Emaelaf Tebikew, and Henok  Yared.

The hostels that will be constructed based on the winning designs will house women who must travel long distances for cancer treatment at these two hospitals. “From 96 impressive competition entries, our jury selected six winning designs: three each from the student and professional categories,” said Pink Ribbon Red Ribbon Chief Executive Officer Celin Schocken. “We are thrilled to congratulate our winners, and to begin the process of turning their visions into reality to benefit women who need life-saving cancer treatment.”

Read more about the competition: 

Read more about the winners:

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