one day

(Friday, 29/05/2015)

On May 27, 2015, EiABC held a one day workshop for all academic staff, administrative staff and students on the topic ‘’Our Institute in 2020’’. Participants had a lively discussion on various issues and on the future strategic plan that is going to serve for the years 2015-2020.

The workshop started by the opening speech and presentations by Scientific Director Joachim Dieter, and by the Managing Director, Dr. Beatrice Delpouve.

The aim of the workshop was to enable discussions and gain reflections from participants on the issues raised, as for example how to strengthen the organizational structure, feedback on the chair system, naming of the institute, and the local Agenda 21. Participants expressed what they felt and what they think should be considered for the future of the institute.The workshop was methodical organized in “coffee shop” and “market places” to allow participants to freely move and inquire what they wanted to see in the institute in 2020.


Presenters on various topics explained to the participant the results of their research and ongoing committee work, explained what has been done so far and what should be improved, gaps observed and suggested possible solutions for these gaps.

After lunch 150 participants came together to share ideas on the gaps identified and possible solutions.

Most participants asked and insisted that due to the importance of issues raised a one day workshop is not to enough to thoroughly examine the points raised. So a consensus was reached to call for another workshop to discuss matters in detail. (ZF)

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